Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
As the nation’s largest public power provider, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is a critical agency to ensure the federal government achieves 100% clean energy targets. GridLab and Synapse have supported the Center for Biological Diversity in developing a detailed technical analysis of the utility’s energy system to evaluate pathways for 100% clean energy and economy-wide electrification. Conducted for an upcoming IRP process, this report informs federal policymakers and TVA board of directors, and supports efforts to counter proposed coal-to-gas replacements.
The technical analysis uses the EnCompass modeling tool to evaluate three scenarios, comparing electricity consumption, generation, and costs with regards to changes to the building, transportation and industrial sectors. Key findings suggest that TVA can begin retiring aging fossil fuel plants and replacing them with 100% carbon-free electricity almost immediately, potentially saving hundreds of billions of dollars and adding over 15,000 jobs by 2050. A separate policy brief outlines several key policy recommendations for TVA, federal policymakers, and local power providers.