
Michigan Transmission Study

The existing transmission system represents decades of planning decisions that were made to suit different grid and market conditions from today’s. Michigan is situated in a unique geographical position since it is within, but on the edge of the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) region, and has significant transmission connectivity with the PJM Interconnection (PJM) and Ontario Canada’s Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO). This study served as a response to the Michigan Public Service Commission Order in Docket #U-21099, which sought comments on actions and policies that might maximize benefits to the reliability of Michigan’s transmission connections to MISO, PJM, and IESO. 

GridLab assembled a multi-disciplinary team with deep regulatory and analytical expertise to assess the grid’s physical capabilities and constraints for moving power into the lower Michigan peninsula. The team conducted a regulatory analysis of past decisions leading to the current state of the transmission system. The study also included a steady-state contingency analysis of the transmission lines, transformers, and substations on the grid based on NERC transmission planning criteria. The report highlights opportunities for regulators, transmission planners, and grid operators to conduct better transmission capacity impact analyses and promote coordination to help Michigan achieve its long-term clean energy goals.

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