Expertise to enable grid transformation

To provide expert capacity and thought leadership to address technical challenges and reliability questions in the implementation of clean energy policies.


GridLab’s Theory of Change

Clean energy policies are only effective upon implementation. Implementation of increasingly aggressive clean energy policies requires regulatory commissions, utilities, grid operators, and other relevant stakeholders in the electricity ecosystem to ensure clean technologies are properly understood, valued, planned for, and procured.

Traditionally, utilities have been the sole voice of authority in questions about electric system reliability. Clean energy advocates have lacked the technical expertise to effectively respond to arguments from utilities regarding the feasibility of deploying clean resources in place of fossil-fuel based technologies to achieve reliability. GridLab provides advocates engaging in electric proceedings and rulemakings with the best technical expertise and tools necessary to present credible arguments and testimony to regulators and other policymakers to advance clean energy transitions that preserve system reliability.

GridLab also supports public agencies, municipal utilities, and coop utilities, all organizations that may face similar barriers towards accessing nimble and efficient technical expertise. As GridLab has grown, it has influenced the energy sector more systematically with thought leadership studies and industry collaborative efforts that are more proactive in nature.



GridLab provides direct technical assistance for expert testimony in contested dockets, engineering reports, and modeling. GridLab’s technical assistance platform is supported by a network of over 60 independent consultants and firms with recognized power systems knowledge.


TheGridLab is an online community forum for advocates, experts, and other interested parties to share knowledge and technical information around the design, operation, and attributes of a flexible and dynamic grid. TheGridLab platform has over 220 members and hosts discussions ranging from the role of regulated utilities in owning energy storage to appropriate valuation methods for avoided distribution charges.


GridLab partners with allied organizations to develop training modules on complex grid topics for use by advocates, regulators, and policymakers. In addition,GridLab develops written reports and whitepapers on relevant grid issues for dissemination to a broader audience.

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