Transmission in California

California’s Path to Decarbonization

California has made long strides towards decarbonization, but many hurdles remain. The Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies (CEERT) along with GridLab identified key challenges facing the state in the realm of electric transmission. The state has put forth several solutions, but this report identifies the gaps that remain and offers specific recommendations to get the transmission system Californians need.

This report includes the following topics: 1) a review of the adopted 2022-2023 Transmission Plan by utility service area with a focus on projects in Imperial County; 2) a focus on the transmission needs of the Central Valley to be addressed in the 2023-2024 Transmission Planning Process; 3) opportunities for phasing out fossil fuel generation in the Los Angeles Basin through transmission expansion; 4) a summary of the CAISO’s interconnection queue management reform initiative; 5) an overview of the need for evolution of the CAISO methodology used in determining deliverability across the transmission system; 6) an examination of the need for transmission permitting reform; 7) a survey of the challenges facing California’s transmission owners to complete projects approved in previous transmission plans; and 8) a high level overview of the opportunity to use High Voltage Direct Current transmission in California.

Throughout the report, specific recommendations are offered to encourage regulators, utilities, and the general public to implement a robust and equitable transmission buildout.


Transmission in California