Meet Our Experts
GridLab relies on a network of independent experts and consultants to support its modeling and technical reports, and provide credible expert testimony in contested dockets. Since 2017, GridLab has developed relationships with over 70 experts, and continues to expand its network. GridLab experts are versed in a variety of clean energy topics, including power systems modeling, grid reliability, distribution system planning, resource planning, transmission planning, and more.
GridLab currently recognizes the need for additional expertise in reliability planning, transmission planning, gas distribution analysis, and general power systems engineering, and is actively engaging new experts on these topics. We encourage those interested in joining our expert network to reach out to our team here.
Energy Strategies
Energy Strategies, a Salt Lake City-based consultancy, has been engaged by GridLab on multiple occasions, providing technical support on integrated resource planning processes and developing custom models to evaluate the US power system under high penetrations of renewables. The firm has worked in electric venues across North America for over three decades and has developed a deep understanding of the technical, economic, and policy drivers of power markets. Energy Strategies has a diverse client list, working in both the electric and natural gas sectors while serving generation developers/owners, transmission companies, utilities, large energy consumers, EV infrastructure companies, data centers, and non-governmental organizations. The economists, engineers, data scientists, and policy experts at Energy Strategies offer a wide breadth of skill, allowing the firm to engage in all aspects of the industry, from rate design in state regulatory proceedings to detailed evaluations of power system reliability. While the work Energy Strategies takes on is complex, the firm’s approach to engagements is simple: focus on the clients most critical questions and needs, identify or develop the best data and tools to apply, perform precise analysis, and finally, develop technically-supported and innovative insights that are concise and actionable
Evolved Energy
- • What are the costs and challenges to transform the energy system to meet policy driven carbon-reduction goals?
- • What does a rational infrastructure investment strategy look like given uncertain policy targets and technology development?
- • Where are the business opportunities and what impact will energy system change have on people’s lives?
Answering these and other related questions requires a fundamentally new approach to examining our energy systems. It means analyses that explicitly acknowledge the connectedness of the new energy economy, leverage technology in the pursuit of understanding, and embrace complexity as a means to confront uncertainty. It means analyses that are evolved to meet the needs of the modern world.
Evolved Energy’s clients include consulting companies, government and regulating bodies, large technology and manufacturing companies, utilities, and NGOs. They help organizations understand the near-term business and policy implications that stem from a rapidly changing energy-economy. Through training and support on software developed in-house and through direct consulting engagements, they help clients drive change.
Grid Strategies
Energy Strategies
Synapse Energy Economics is a research and consulting firm specializing in energy, economic, and environmental topics. Since its inception in 1996, Synapse has grown to become a leader in providing rigorous analysis of the electric power and natural gas sectors for public interest and governmental clients.
Synapse’s services include economic and technical analyses, regulatory support, research and report writing, policy analysis and development, representation in stakeholder committees, facilitation, trainings, development of analytical tools, and expert witness services.
John F. Fazio
John F. Fazio
Michael Goggin
Michael Goggin
Michael Goggin has been working on clean energy integration and transmission solutions his entire career, and is currently the Vice President of Grid Strategies LLC. For the last decade he held multiple positions at the American Wind Energy Association, including Electric Industry Analyst, Manager of Transmission Policy, and Senior Director of Research. Prior to that he served as a research analyst covering solar, geothermal, and storage technologies for a DOE consulting firm, a renewable policy analyst for the state Public Interest Research Groups, and as the clean energy intern for the Union of Concerned Scientists. Michael has written nearly one hundred filings to FERC, been elected to various NERC committees, testified before state Public Utility Commissions over a dozen times, and has been quoted in hundreds of press articles and had dozens of letters to the editor published, including in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal.
Michael holds a BA with Honors in Social Studies from Harvard University.
Elaine Hart
Elaine Hart
Elaine Hart is Founding Principal at Moment Energy Insights LLC, a consulting firm committed to accelerating the clean energy transition through improved analytics and planning. Dr. Hart brings experience in resource planning, flexible resource valuation, decarbonization policy analysis, and resource adequacy analysis. She specializes in designing optimization-based models to inform electricity sector decisions in increasingly renewable systems. Prior to founding Moment Energy Insights, Hart was the Manager of Integrated Resource Planning at Portland General Electric (PGE), where she focused on resource planning, energy storage evaluation, and decarbonization strategy. Prior to joining PGE, Hart was a Managing Consultant at Energy & Environmental Economics, where she advised utilities, regulators, and developers on the opportunities and challenges associated with expanding clean energy in the Western US. Hart holds a BS in Chemistry from Harvey Mudd College, and an MS in Materials Science & Engineering and PhD in Civil & Environmental Engineering from Stanford University.
Dr. Fredrich Kahrl
Dr. Fredrich (Fritz) Kahrl
Dr. Fredrich (Fritz) Kahrl is managing partner at 3rdRail Inc., an affiliate at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s Electricity Markets & Policy (EMP) department, a research fellow at the California-China Climate Institute (CCCI), a senior advisor with the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP), and intermittent faculty in UC Berkeley’s Master of Development Practice (MDP) Program and the University of San Francisco’s Energy Systems Management (ESM) Program.
Previously, Dr. Kahrl was a director at Energy and Environmental Economics (E3) and worked at environmental think tanks and as a consultant to multilateral organizations. He has more than 15 years of experience in the energy sector, providing strategy and analytical support to government agencies, energy regulators, research institutes, system operators, utilities, and energy producers in North America, China, India, and Europe. His expertise covers electricity markets, renewable integration, utility resource planning, regulatory economics, transmission pricing, distributed energy resources, rate design, transportation energy, energy system modeling, and environmental economics. Dr. Kahrl received PhD and MS degrees from the Energy and Resources Group at UC Berkeley and a BA in philosophy from the College of William & Mary.
Warren Lasher
Warren Lasher
Warren Lasher is President of Lasher Energy Consulting, a firm he founded in October, 2021, focused on providing specialized analysis and insight designed to help clients meet their strategic energy goals. Prior to this role, Mr. Lasher spent seventeen years in the System Planning organization at the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, serving as Director and then Senior Director of System Planning from 2012 to 2021. Prior to his work at ERCOT, Mr. Lasher was employed by the Southern Company in Birmingham, Alabama, where he worked in the Engineering and the Generation Planning organizations. Mr. Lasher has a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics, and graduate degrees in Environmental Management and Computer Science.
Nicholas W. Miller
Nicholas W. Miller
Mr. Miller is a Principal with HickoryLedge LLC, a consultancy providing technical services. Nick is an internationally known power system engineer, with specialty in integration of wind and solar power to bulk power systems. Mr. Miller spent 3/8 of a century with GE, finishing his final decade of practice in the role of Senior Technical Director for GE Energy Consulting. In the last 16 years at GE, he led analytical developments for system integration of GE Wind Turbine-Generators into power systems, leading efforts on applications, controls and systems for large-scale coordination of wind and solar generation with other system resources. He lectured and provided consultation on wind and solar power integration to governments and institutions in more than three dozen countries. He worked with the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) on Essential Reliability Services. Nick is an IEEE Fellow, a Licensed Professional Engineer in NY, and a CIGRE member. He authored 20 US patents, published over 160 papers and articles. He has received a number of industry awards and is the 2017 recipient of the prestigious GE Edison Award for advancements in Renewable Energy. He was awarded IEEE’s highest renewable energy honor, the Ramakumar Family Renewable Energy Award in 2018. He was the recipient of the 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Energy Systems Integration Group.
Dr. Michael Milligan
Dr. Michael Milligan
Dr. Michael Milligan recently retired as Principal Researcher at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. He has more than 30 years’ experience in analysis and modeling the bulk power system, and more than 25 years focusing on the impacts of wind and solar generation integration into the bulk system. He has authored/coauthored more than 220 articles and reports, and has led/participated in numerous North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC), and IEEE Power and Energy Society working groups and committees. Michael’s work was influential in starting the Energy Imbalance Market in the Western Interconnection, and he was a key contributor to the International Energy Agency Task 25 research group, focusing on wind power integration to the bulk power system. He is now an independent power system consultant.
Nick Pappas
Nick Pappas
Ryan D. Quint
Ryan D. Quint
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Elevate Energy Consulting
Dr. Ryan Quint is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Elevate Energy Consulting. He founded Elevate with the vision of doing good across the electricity sector during the clean energy transition. Ryan is responsible for the strategic direction and execution of Elevate projects across all verticals and is focused on building a world-class team of experts that can partner with industry to tackle emerging challenges facing our grid today and into the future. Prior to launching Elevate, Ryan spent nearly 9 years at the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), most recently as the Director of Engineering and Security Integration, where he led numerous strategic initiatives focused on emerging reliability risk mitigation involving inverter-based resources, distributed energy resources, security integration, and leveraging emerging technologies. Ryan also has industry experience at Dominion Virginia Power and the Bonneville Power Administration. He received his PhD from Virginia Tech and is a registered professional engineer.
Justin Sharp
Justin Sharp
Dr. Sharp is the principal and owner of Sharply Focused LLC, a consultancy specializing in the intersection of atmospheric sciences and the electric utility sector. Justin began work in the utility business in 2004 and shortly afterwards joined the rapidly growing renewable energy developer and operator, PPM Energy (now Avangrid). There he built and directed Avangrid’s renewable energy meteorology forecasting and operational analysis function from the ground up including: the first 24/7 wind energy forecasting group for operations and trading; analysis support for Avangrid’s portfolio of operational wind farms; technical and policy support for rate cases and other regulatory arenas; and liaison with research labs and academia. Dr. Sharp founded Sharply Focused in 2012 with the objective of helping clients utilize weather and climate intelligence in the utility sector. His work includes research with labs and DOE; technical reports and research with entities like EPRI; legal, technical, and policy help for entities like GridLab and the Energy Foundation; strategic support for utilities and energy meteorology companies; and training for system operators.
Dr. Sharp holds a Ph.D. from the University of Washington in 2005. His dissertation used Numerical Weather Prediction to understanding Columbia Gorge gap flow, a location that is now home to several gigawatts of wind capacity. Justin was a recent chair of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) Renewable Energy Committee and is an active member of the AMS and the Energy Systems Integration Group.
Anna Sommer
Anna Sommer
Anna Sommer is based in Canton, NY and is a Principal of Energy Futures Group. She has more than 15 years of experience working on a wide variety of issues including energy planning, energy efficiency, renewable energy, carbon capture and sequestration, and energy-water issues. Her primary focus is on all aspects of integrated resource planning (IRP) including capacity expansion and production costing simulation, scenario and sensitivity construction, modeling of supply and demand side resources, and review and critique of forecast inputs such as fuel prices, wholesale market prices, load forecasts, etc. Additionally, she has experience with various aspects of DSM planning including construction of avoided costs and connecting IRPs to subsequent DSM plans. Anna is trained to run the Strategist and EnCompass models and has reviewed modeling performed using numerous models including AURORA, Capacity Expansion Model, Plexos, PowerSimm, PROSYM, PROMOD, SERVM, and System Optimizer. She has provided expert testimony in front of utility commissions in Indiana, Minnesota, New Mexico, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, and South Dakota.
Ms. Sommer holds a BS in Economics and Environmental Studies from Tufts University and an MS in Energy and Resources from UC Berkeley.
Curt Volkmann
Curt Volkmann
Curt Volkmann, President of New Energy Advisors, has over 35 years of international experience with electricity, natural gas and water utilities. Curt previously held engineering and consulting roles for Pacific Gas and Electric, UMS Group, and Accenture. He has managed multi-client benchmarking programs for electric transmission, distribution and fleet management, and analyzed impacts to the distribution grid from distributed generation and demand-side management programs. Curt has also led a variety of consulting projects including smart grid planning, organization optimization and cost reduction, asset management, merger integration, benchmarking, and process improvements.
Curt now serves as an expert witness and technical advisor in distribution planning and grid modernization proceedings, advising non-profits and local governments on a variety of clean energy opportunities.
Curt has a B.S. in Electrical Engineering (Power Systems) from the University of Illinois and an M.B.A. (Finance) from the University of California, Berkeley. He held a Registered Professional Electrical Engineer license in the State of California from 1987 to 1995.