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Surplus Interconnection Policy Explainer
One of the pressing challenges of the clean energy transition is that getting needed new sources of electricity supply are being stymied by a combination of multi-year delays in the interconnection study process, supply chain constraints, and siting and permitting challenges...
View/DownloadConnected West Report
Connected West is a 20-year transmission planning study aimed at forecasting long-range transmission infrastructure needs of the Western grid required to support a highly decarbonized and electrified economy. The study focuses on identifying “next generation” transmission investments, targeting the identification of portfolios of new transmission...
View/DownloadGridLab CEERT 2024 Transmission Report
In this latest installment, the Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies (CEERT) provides a review of California’s transmission planning, interconnection, and permitting processes so far in 2024. This report focuses on recent California...
View/DownloadBrandon Shores Retirement Analysis May 2024 Update
GridLab has requested Telos Energy to review the report by PJM Transmission and Operations Planning, titled “BESS Technical Viability - Wagner and Brandon Shores Retirements,” released May 3, 2024 and...
View/Download2035 Report: Reconductoring
Plummeting costs of clean energy and growing power demand from electrification, manufacturing, and data processing have made grid capacity one of the primary constraints in the energy transition. In the United States (U.S.), achieving the federal goal of 100% clean electricity by 2035...
View/DownloadBrandon Shores Retirement Analysis January 2024
In 2023, GridLab worked with Telos Energy to provide an analysis of replacing Maryland based coal plant Brandon Shores with a battery energy storage system (BESS). The Brandon Shores coal plant recently announced its plan to cease operation in mid-2025. However, upon study PJM found...
View/DownloadCalifornia’s progress in advancing transmission
The Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies (CEERT) has released two reports earlier this year on the need for expansion of the high voltage transmission system and for reform of the state’s permitting process to overcome delays in transmission project permitting and construction over...
View/DownloadHVDC Summary
The existing transmission system represents decades of planning decisions that were made to suit different grid and market conditions from today’s. Michigan is situated in a unique geographical position since it is within, but on the edge of the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) region...
View/DownloadHVDC Report
The existing transmission system represents decades of planning decisions that were made to suit different grid and market conditions from today’s. Michigan is situated in a unique geographical position since it is within, but on the edge of the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) region...
View/DownloadCalifornia’s Path to Decarbonization
California has made long strides towards decarbonization, but many hurdles remain. The Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies (CEERT) along with GridLab identified key challenges facing the state in the realm of electric transmission. The state has put forth several solutions, but this report...
View/DownloadMichigan Transmission Study Appendix
Understanding Michigan’s Transmission Needs: Technical Appendix. Assess the grid’s physical capabilities and constraints for moving power into the lower peninsula...
View/DownloadMichigan Transmission Study Fact Sheet
WHAT CHALLENGES DOES THIS STUDY RESPOND TO? This study was in response to the Michigan Public Service Commission Order in Docket #U-21099 dated June 23 2022. The Commission sought comments on actions and policies that might maximize benefits to the reliability of Michigan’s transmission connections...
View/DownloadMichigan Transmission Study Report
The existing transmission system represents decades of planning decisions that were made to suit different grid and market conditions from today’s. Michigan is situated in a unique geographical position since it is within, but on the edge of the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) region...
View/DownloadTransmission in California
Upgrading existing and building new high voltage transmission projects is currently the key challenge facing energy policymakers. Overcoming this challenge is absolutely necessary to make substantial progress in the near future towards decarbonizing...
View/DownloadThe Benefit and Urgency of Planned Offshore
There is an urgent need to plan the transmission grid necessary for achieving America’s increasingly ambitious offshore wind (OSW) and clean energy goals. Proactive and holistic planning for long-term transmission needs offers significant benefits, but unless these planning efforts are started now, more attractive near-term...