Assessing Resource Adequacy in Montana
This study aims to explore how Montana’s resource adequacy risks are evolving in the near-term and mid-term given resource plan uncertainties and evolving regional coordination opportunities such as under the Western Resource Adequacy Program (WRAP)
Analyzing the effects of market proliferation in the West on California gas dispatch
Environmental Justice groups are concerned that California joining an expanded Western RTO could mean additional dispatch of gas plants in California, especially gas plants in disadvantaged communities.
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Policy Brief
The Tennessee Valley Authority lags behind its peers on clean energy development and has the second-highest planned gas buildout of all major utilities in the United States.1 Its 20-year energy-planning outlook projects the agency will generate 34 million tons of...
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), the largest provider of public power in the United States, is uniquely positioned to lead the way in the clean energy transition for Tennessee Valley. The U.S. Congress created TVA, originally conceived as a flood-control solution,...
Wisconsin’s Roadmap to Net Zero Press Release
There is a pathway for Wisconsin to achieve a net-zero future within a generation. New detailed energy and economic modeling shows Wisconsin can cost-effectively transition to net-zero emissions by 2050, reaching a point where we emit no more carbon into...
Wisconsin’s Roadmap To Net Zero By 2050 October 2022 Summary Report
With strong supporting policy, Wisconsin can cost-effectively achieve net zero emissions by 2050, bringing sweeping economic and health benefits to the state. Reaching this goal means not only pursuing 100% clean electricity generation but also comprehensive,
The economic impacts of decarbonization in Wisconsin
The state of Wisconsin is currently heavily reliant on fossil fuels for its energy; the U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that in 2020, 42% of net electricity generation in state was from coal-fired power plants, and a further 34% was...
Evolved Energy Research 100 percent in Wisconsin
This study is a collaboration between Evolved Energy Research, RENEW Wisconsin, Clean Wisconsin, and GridLab (the Project Team) identifying strategies to achieve 100% clean electricity in Wisconsin by 2050. The state’s clean electricity target was established by Governor Evers’ Executive...
Arizona Transportation Study Technical Appendix
As of early 2022, Arizona still lacks significant binding clean energy goals or transportation decarbonization measures. Western Resource Advocates (WRA) commissioned GridLab and Evolved Energy Research for a joint study to investigate the impacts of transportation electrification in Arizona. This...
Arizona Clean Transportation Pathways Brief
As of early 2022, Arizona still lacks significant binding clean energy goals or transportation decarbonization measures. Western Resource Advocates (WRA) commissioned GridLab and Evolved Energy Research for a joint study to investigate the impacts of transportation electrification in Arizona. This...