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Assessing Resource Adequacy in Montana
This study aims to explore how Montana’s resource adequacy risks are evolving in the near-term and mid-term given resource plan uncertainties and evolving regional coordination opportunities such as under the Western Resource Adequacy Program (WRAP)...
View/DownloadAnalyzing the effects of market proliferation in the
Environmental Justice groups are concerned that California joining an expanded Western RTO could mean additional dispatch of gas plants in California, especially gas plants in disadvantaged communities...
View/DownloadTennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Policy Brief
The Tennessee Valley Authority lags behind its peers on clean energy development and has the second-highest planned gas buildout of all major utilities in the United States.1 Its 20-year energy-planning outlook projects the agency will generate 34 million tons of carbon emissions by 2038...
View/DownloadTennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), the largest provider of public power in the United States, is uniquely positioned to lead the way in the clean energy transition for Tennessee Valley. The U.S. Congress created TVA, originally conceived as a flood-control solution, as a federally owned electric...
View/DownloadWisconsin’s Roadmap to Net Zero Press Release
There is a pathway for Wisconsin to achieve a net-zero future within a generation. New detailed energy and economic modeling shows Wisconsin can cost-effectively transition to net-zero emissions by 2050, reaching a point where we emit no more carbon into the atmosphere than can be...
View/DownloadWisconsin’s Roadmap To Net Zero By 2050 October 2022
With strong supporting policy, Wisconsin can cost-effectively achieve net zero emissions by 2050, bringing sweeping economic and health benefits to the state. Reaching this goal means not only pursuing 100% clean electricity generation but also comprehensive...
View/DownloadThe economic impacts of decarbonization in Wisconsin
The state of Wisconsin is currently heavily reliant on fossil fuels for its energy; the U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that in 2020, 42% of net electricity generation in state was from coal-fired power plants, and a further 34% was from gas-fired plants. 1 The...
View/DownloadEvolved Energy Research 100 percent in Wisconsin
This study is a collaboration between Evolved Energy Research, RENEW Wisconsin, Clean Wisconsin, and GridLab (the Project Team) identifying strategies to achieve 100% clean electricity in Wisconsin by 2050. The state’s clean electricity target was established by Governor Evers’ Executive Order 38; Wisconsin does...
View/DownloadArizona Transportation Study Technical Appendix
As of early 2022, Arizona still lacks significant binding clean energy goals or transportation decarbonization measures. Western Resource Advocates (WRA) commissioned GridLab and Evolved Energy Research for a joint study to investigate the impacts of transportation electrification in Arizona. This study analyzes...
View/DownloadArizona Clean Transportation Pathways Brief
As of early 2022, Arizona still lacks significant binding clean energy goals or transportation decarbonization measures. Western Resource Advocates (WRA) commissioned GridLab and Evolved Energy Research for a joint study to investigate the impacts of transportation electrification in Arizona. This study analyzes...
View/DownloadArizona Clean Transportation Pathways
In the summer of 2021, Western Resource Advocates (WRA) commissioned GridLab and Evolved Energy Research for a joint study to investigate the role of transportation electrification in economy-wide decarbonization for the state of Arizona. As of early 2022, Arizona still lacks significant binding clean energy...
View/DownloadOregon Clean Energy Pathways Analysis Executive Summary
In late December 2020, as Washington State was finalizing its 2021 State Energy Strategy based on technical analysis by the Clean Energy Transition Institute and decarbonization pathways modeling by Evolved Energy Research, Oregon advocates were considering the value of a similar study to look at...
View/DownloadAffordable & reliable decarbonization pathways
In order to investigate outcomes from the various pathways Montana could follow as it evolves it energy system, GridLab and commissioned Vibrant Clean Energy, LLC (VCE®) to model the Montana energy system using its flagship energy system modeling software WIS:dom®-P. To study the various...
View/DownloadPathways and policies to achieve Nevada’s climate
The climate crisis is here. Without swift action, it will further threaten the health and livelihoods of Nevadans. Fortunately, Nevada’s leaders have recognized the urgency, passing a 50 percent renewable portfolio standard in 2019 and setting statewide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction goals of 28...
View/DownloadWestern states deep decarbonization
The Colorado Legislature passed a law (HB 19-1261) in 2019 to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution 26 percent by 2025 and 50 percent by 2030 compared to 2005 levels of emissions. The state is not currently on track to meet these goals for 2025 and...
View/Download2035 The Report
Global carbon emissions must be halved by 2030 to limit warming to 1.5°C and avoid catastrophic climate impacts. Most existing studies, however, examine 2050 as the year that deep decarbonization of electric power systems can be achieved...
View/Download10 things you should know about grid-forming inverters
There is growing accord that grid-forming (GFM) technology for inverter-based resources (IBRs) like wind, solar PV and battery energy storage, will be part of the future deeply decarbonized power system. GFM inverters are expected to replace and improve on some important functions provided today...
View/DownloadNREL Inertia and the Power Grid: A Guide Without the
Inertia in power systems refers to the energy stored in large rotating generators and some industrial motors, which gives them the tendency to remain rotating. This stored energy can be particularly valuable when a large power plant fails, as it can temporarily make up for...
View/DownloadVirginias Energy Transition
Virginia’s Energy Transition explores the impacts of the Commonwealth employing a number of advanced energy resources to build a 100% carbon-free grid. Advanced Energy Economy worked in collaboration with GridLab and the Greenlink Group to map out how Virginia could move to a 100% carbon-free...
View/DownloadThe Role of Distributed Energy Resources in New&
Electricity grids across the nation are undergoing a rapid transition. To date the principal contributor to this transition is the increased deployment of utility-scale renewable energy resources, driven in part by declining costs of these resources relative to conventional, fossilfired resources. A second key factor...
View/DownloadProjects Minnesotas Smarter Grid Report
Minnesota Gov Tim Pawlenty signed the Next Generation Energy Act in 2007, bipartisan legislation designed to spur renewable energy deployment with the goal of decarbonizing the Minnesota economy 80% from 2005 levels by 2050 The Minnesota’s Smarter Grid study modeled electric...
View/DownloadProjects Minnesotas Smarter Grid Executive Summary
The Impact of Renewables in ERCOT During the Summer of 2023 Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty signed the Next Generation Energy Act in 2007, bipartisan legislation designed to spur renewable energy deployment with the goal of decarbonizing the Minnesota economy 80%...